Hi Thomas, Thanks for the explanations.
Oh sorry, that's an error that crept in when handling of active characters was changed a couple of weeks ago; I changed it in my own copy on my box but forgot to upload a new version... Will upload today.
Thanks. Looking forward to the new version.
B. \usemodule[oldgreek] works with the default font or with Teubner (mark ii and mark iv). But not with Gentium, although the TrueType fonts are installed in texmf-local>fonts>truetype>greek>gentium:
!pdfTeX error: pdftex (file gentium): Font gentium at 720 not found ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
That's bizarre. What are the names of the truetype files that you have installed?
GenAI102.TTF GenAR102.TTF GenI102.TTF GenR102.TTF I didn't install these, they were in your zip. I downloaded from sil but saw that they are the same. Maybe I chose the wrong name in my setup? I used \usemodule[oldgreek][font=Gentium] (also tried "gentium" and "Gentium102") Regards, Jörg