On Wednesday 29 December 2004 04:11, sjoerd siebinga wrote:
Hi all,
I am currently working on a dictionary with multiple indices of older language stages like, Old English, Old Norse, Greec, Sanskrit, Hittite, etc. Most of these languages have different characters, accents and sorting rules than English. In enco-ini.tex I found the \definesortkey command, but it is not entirely clear to me how I could use this command for the individual indices instead of for the overall language (in my case english). Or even if this is possible at all?
Could someone tell me how I can use the \definesortkey command or for that matter any other ConTeXt mechanism to define sortrules for individual indices?
You might want to look into a separate program called Xindy. It more or less replaces Makindex in plain and LaTeX applications, but it could be used in Context most likely. It is specifically designed to address the situations you described, i.e. non-Western European sort rules. -- John Culleton Short list of publishing/marketing books: http://wexfordpress.com/tex/shortlist.pdf