Oktober 2016 um 12:13
I have a wish list for independent frames and would like to know if
is possible in ConTeXt:
1. left and right pages in a doublesided document have frames with
independent text flow, i.e. the text from p. 2 continues on p. 4, from
p. 3 on p. 5, etc. The frames are regular frames and can have
backgrounds, borders, etc.
2. After a couple of pages, these frames end. Below them, the text
normally, i.e. begins below frame on p. 6 and continues below frame on
p. 7.
3. Since I want to take my data from xml, the content of the frames
be taken from buffers.
So this would give, in pseudo-code:
Here, the normal text begins, it will flow below the frames...
Is this possible? How would I code that?
Are you looking for streams, the mechanism Hans added for you years ago?