On Sat, 21 Feb 2009, Mohamed Bana wrote:
why does this fail with luatex? also, try \enableregime[utf-8] i got another error message when that's enabled.
You do not need \enableregime[utf-8] in luatex. Everything is already utf-8. The following works for me (see attached pdf). For some reason, the text in the first node is black. Notice the \tikzstyle line is different from what you had. \unprotect \newtoks\toks@ \let\z@\zeropoint \protect \usemodule[tikz] \starttext \starttikzpicture[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=4cm, semithick] \tikzstyle{state}=[fill=gray,draw=none,text=white] \node[state] (s0) [label=left:$s_0$] {$p,q$}; \node[state] (s1) [below right of=s0,label=right:$s_1$] {$q$}; \node[state] (s2) [below of=s0,label=right:$s_2$] {$q$}; \node[state] (s3) [below left of=s0,label=left:$s_3$] {$p$}; \path (s0) edge [loop above] (s0) edge (s1) edge (s3) (s1) edge [bend right] (s3) (s2) edge [loop below] (s2) edge (s0) edge [right] (s1) (s3) edge [right] (s1) edge [right] (s2); \stoptikzpicture \stoptext LuaTeX, Version snapshot-0.35.0-2009030712, build 1950 ConTeXt version: 2009.03.07 00:29 CVS version of tikz: date 2009-03-01 from http://www.texample.net/tikz/builds/ Aditya