On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 05:39:48PM +0200, Peter Rolf wrote:
p2 := p0 & p1;
the reason for the 'unexpected' output is, that point 1 and 2 of the path p2 are equal. keep in mind that drawing with an asymmetrical pen has its own (complex) rules.
Thank you -- I forgot about the path operator & (Funny thing, though, that the problem shows up with point 0. I would also think that having two consecutive identical points, although poor style, should not cause problems as it does.) And yes, the use of an asymmetrical pen is indeed the whole point of this figure -- I am using metapost to achieve very easily an effect, conceptually very simple, that a colleague has not been able to produce using Adobe Illustrator. Thank you again for helping out. Alan