Good evening. I apologize that I dare to post here such offtopic, but I feel this is the right place to get an answer. I try to write some general-purpose MetaPost macros for me with ConTeXt-like interface. For instance, I'd like something like this: label(point, "label=$A$, xlabel=$x_A$, ylabel=$y_A$, ylabelshift=left, lines=no, dotstyle=bigdot, ..."); I've done a lot of work and it almost works, but ... I failed to notice that TeX sequences are in normal cases included between btex ... etex and are preprocessed. In other words, they cannot be typeset as a string. I could use TEX macro, but it slows the process down in a horrible way. I think the best way is this: In the first run of MetaPost to flush out all TeX codes, then process it with TeX (texexec), and then to include it in the second MetaPost run. But I don't know how to do it? Can you help me or at least hint where I could find an answer? And BTW, is this a good idea at all? Isn't there a better/faster way? Many thanks for you kind help. Michal Kvasnicka