Am 08.11.2014 um 00:00 schrieb Pierre-François Bonnefoi
: Just before going to bed, I've found a solution with all your help and the help of Taco Hoekwater through the ntg mail archive :
\def\startSlide% {\def\stopSlide{\checkSlide\doif{\getvariable{temp}{publish}}{yes}{\page\getbuffer[Slide]}}% \dostartbuffer[Slide][startSlide][stopSlide]}
Let me know if it's my philosopher's stone... I've tried it and it works so far.
No more ugly gobbling, my mind is free.
Below are two other methods. Method 1 ======= \newconditional\SkipSlide \setfalse\SkipSlide \definebuffer[Slide] \def\stopSlide {\ifconditional\SkipSlide \else \page \getbuffer[\thedefinedbuffer{Slide}]% \fi \setfalse\SkipSlide} \starttext \startSlide First Slide \stopSlide \settrue\SkipSlide \startSlide Second Slide \stopSlide \startSlide Third Slide \stopSlide \stoptext Method 2 ======= \def\startSlide {\dosingleempty\dostartSlide} \def\dostartSlide[#1]% {\doifelse{#1}{-} {\let\stopSlide\stopSlideNop} {\let\stopSlide\stopSlideYes}% \grabbufferdata[Slide][startSlide][stopSlide]} \let\stopSlideNop\relax \def\stopSlideYes {\page \getbuffer[Slide]} \starttext \startSlide First Slide \stopSlide \startSlide[-] Second Slide \stopSlide \startSlide Third Slide \stopSlide \stoptext Wolfgang