Since I plan to move to ConTeXt using AUCTeX, I'm interested to hear if there is some interest here (amongst emacs users) to have preview-context withing AUCTeX package?
I'm interested in improved Context support in Auctex in general. I am a recent convert to Context, using it for my first project at the moment. I find much of the discussion on this list to be over my head still. I have a very little experence programming emacs lisp but have not practised it for 3 or 4 years. Currently I have implemented one or two things I wanted in the form of (not very good!) emacs skeletons. I'll help as much as I can, even if only with testing.
otoh, I'm interested if there is newer version of etexshow (Browser for ConTeXt commands) ?
Have you seen http://texshow.contextgarden.net/ ? I don't know how up to date it is. Cheers, Roger