On Jan 9, 2008 8:34 PM, Oleg Kolosov wrote:
Hi all!
I've noticed that some documents lacks small cyrillic letter yo (ё) when typeset with input files in utf encoding. It's encoded as \cyrillicyo everywhere but as \cyrillicio in uni-0004 (line 100). I've changed this and didn't noticed problems so far. Maybe these files are autogenerated somehow, so please fix this where appropriate.
unic-004.tex is not autogenerated (so it needs to be fixed), some other files are.
BTW capital yo is coded as \cyrillicYO everywhere and typesets right.
I have no idea which name is a more accurate one, but if "yo" is more accurate than "io", then yes: the change has to be done in uni-004.tex. You're welcome to check all the other names in char-def.lua and unic-004.tex. Mojca