Hello, I'm trying to get my XML citation definitions, which look like so: <cite id="verma:04,mayor:05a,griffin:05" opt="no"/> to differentiate between "no" and t-bib options I hand into the "opt" flag like this: \defineXMLargument [cite] [opt=] {% \doifelse{\XMLop{opt}}{no} {% \expanded{\nocite[\XMLop{id}]}% } {% \expanded{\cite[\XMLop{opt}][\XMLop{id}]}% } } With this definition something like: <cite id="verma:04,mayor:05a,griffin:05" opt="authoryears"/> works just fine, but <cite id="verma:04,mayor:05a,griffin:05" opt="no"/> fails to show up in the biblist. I'm not sure whether this is related to the fact that I'm using an experimental t-bib version which Taco provided to enable correct chapter specific bibliographies. If you have any insight into what I'm doing wrong: please help. Joh