On 2/21/07, Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky wrote:
I'm struggling against framed text and is beaten again.
If the text below doesn't fit the page, it goes below footer and stops pdf file without explanations. After many experiments I should note that frame text is not user-tolerant construction at all, unlike the whole Context is. :(
Hans should probably answer the framed-tet related question. I was also a bit disappointed last time when I figured out that framedtext doesn't support breaking along pages. But then I discovered an alternative: \setupbackground[frame=on,rulethickness=0.7pt,corner=round,bodyfont=11pt,width=\textwidth] \startbackground ... \stopbackground The only little problem is that background doesn't support \definebackground yet, so you should either help yourself with something similar to what I did: \def\starthomework{\dosingleempty\dostarthomework} \long\def\dostarthomework[#1]#2\stophomework {\bgroup \setupbackground[frame=on,rulethickness=0.7pt, corner=round,width=\textwidth] \startbackground {\bf Homework\doifsomething{#1}{: #1}}\switchtobodyfont[10pt]\crlf #2 \stopbackground \egroup} or ask someone here to extend the functionality (if you need that). (I experinced some problems: a bit weird spacing around backgrounds and buggy end of pages - but I didn't yet manage to post a bug report.) It would be nice if backgrounds would gain some functionality and if they would be more consistent with framedtexts, but I didn't yet take time to create a more extensive comparison (long bug-report/feature-request list for Hans, or even Aditya, who likes such challenges as well).
\defineframedtext[assignment][rulethickness=0.7pt, corner=round, bodyfont=11pt, width=\textwidth]
Write an M-file which inputs matrixes $A$, $B$, initial $N$ and number of iterations, and which plots 3D bars.
Why not simply \dorecurse{10}{\par\thinrule}?
Find relative distribution (in percents) of population within age classes and store the result into new matrix $P$. Plot it too.