hi, everyone I defined a command to unite counters by the method of defining counters that I saw on other posts. When I wanted to modify the start parameter of the counter, I found that it did not inherit the settings of the current environment, but inherited the settings of the previous environment. For example, in the first chapter, I set the counter for the environment to start counting from 5, but it inherited the original count of 9, and in the second chapter, it inherited the setting from the first chapter, and its counter became 5. The same happens in Chapter 3. Pls can someone fix this? Since the command to unite with the counter is what I found through previous posts and source files, I don't know exactly how it is used. If my question or the mistake I made was too stupid, be sure to let me know. Many thanks. Muyik. %%%% example %%%% I've cut out other parts of the environment that aren't relevant to this issue. \unprotect \installnamespace {material} \installcommandhandler \????material {material} \????material \installcounterassociation {material} \appendtoks \registermaterialcounter\currentmaterial \definecounter[\currentmaterial]% \to \everydefinematerial \appendtoks \synchronizematerialcounters \to \everysetupmaterial \definematerial [material] \definematerial [number] \setupmaterial [\c!title=, \c!author=, \c!source=, \c!start=8,] \setupmaterial [\c!number] [\c!before={(},\c!after={)}, \c!prefix=no,\c!start=9, \c!numberconversion=n, \c!way=\v!by\v!chapter] \def\material_counter_parameter#1% {\begingroup \def\currentmaterial{#1}% \usematerialstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color \namedmaterialparameter\currentmaterial\c!before \convertedcounter[\currentmaterial]% \incrementcounter[\currentmaterial]% \namedmaterialparameter\currentmaterial\c!after \endgroup} \def\startmaterial{\begingroup\dosingleempty\startmaterial_indeed} \def\startmaterial_indeed[#1]{% \iffirstargument\setupcurrentmaterial[#1]\fi \usematerialstyleandcolor\c!style\c!color% \convertedcounter[\currentmaterial]% number seq=(5 3 3) : real num=\material_counter_parameter\c!number => get previous parameter,not right start number\\ number seq=(5 3 3) : real num=\namedmaterialparameter{number}\c!start => get right number\\ material seq=(8 8 8) : real num=\convertedcounter[material] => work well %%%%%%%%%%But I don't want to set the number directly by \setupmaterial, %%%%%%%%%%because there are other elements of this environment, %%%%%%%%%%and they are set by their respective names,like "title" and so on. \incrementcounter[material]} \def\stopmaterial{\par\blackrule% \endgroup} \protect \setuplayout[margin=5mm,width=fit,] \setuphead[chapter][page=no] \starttext \chapter{} \setupmaterial[number][style=tfb,color=red,start=5] \startmaterial \color[gray]{ knuthmath } \stopmaterial \startmaterial \color[gray]{ knuthmath } \stopmaterial \chapter{} \setupmaterial[number][way=bychapter,start=3] \startmaterial \color[gray]{ knuthmath } \stopmaterial \startmaterial \color[gray]{ knuthmath } \stopmaterial \chapter{} \startmaterial \color[gray]{ knuthmath } \stopmaterial \startmaterial \color[gray]{ knuthmath } \stopmaterial \stoptext %%% example