Hi, did you see [1]? You have to do something like \starttext \clubpenalty=10000 \widowpenalty=10000 My text that should not contain any widow or orphan lines. \stoptext If that does not work for you, please provide a minimal example. HTH, Stefan [1] http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20111211.162442.4f689e7b.en.html On 09.08.2012 11:36, d_jan wrote:
Dear List,
I ran into trouble with the widow/orphan-control in context. I searched the mailinglist, and saw that there were some other threads on the topic bevore, but as far as I am concerned what was suggested there did not work for me when I tried it.
I run context iv using the version which comes with TexLive 2011.
First trail was to include \widowpenalty=9000 and \clubpenalty=9000 at the start of the document, before \starttext (cause I do my setups, and definitions there) As this did not work I tried to put them after \starttext. As well I lowered \brokenpenalty. But both approaches, which were suggested in previous Posts on the ntg-context list failed to show an effect in my case.
Is there anything I could do to prevent the widow lines?
PS.: As I may be doing any noobish errors, here an overview of the documents structure and the placement of the penalty-commands _________________________________
\widowpenalty=9000 \clubpenalty=9000
\definepapersize[janssize][width=190mm, height=245mm]
\setuppapersize[janssize][A4] %we can use something like [A5][A4], which is a a5 Page sized Document printed on a A4 sheet
\setuplayout[grid=yes, marking=on, location=middle, backspace=30mm, width=110mm]%former: location=doublesided
\startstandardmakeup \stopstandardmakeup
\startfrontmatter %TOC... \stopfrontmatter
\startbodymatter %the main stuff goes here % Loads of text \stopbodymatter
\startappendices %appendices go here \stopappendices