Massi and list, There is one issue with \startlinecorrection of which you should be aware. The text is set in a vbox. If the block quotation it encloses (or whatever text it encloses) does not fit on the current page, a page break will be generated. This makes it useless with quotes near the bottom of a page. Enclosed texts longer than a page run over the bottom margin of the new page. It would be nice to have an alternative that does not have that limitation. -- Rik On 2017-09-28 18:35, mf wrote:
Thank you Henri, a slightly modified version of your solution works!
This is what I wanted to achieve:
\setuplayout[grid=both] \setupquotation[before={\switchtobodyfont[9pt]}]
\starttext \showgrid
\input knuth
\startlinecorrection[halfline] \startquotation \input sapolsky \stopquotation \stoplinecorrection
\input knuth %\vadjust pre{\blank[line]}% not line, but halfline! \vadjust pre{\blank[halfline]}% $\displaystyle{\frac{1}{a + b}}$ %\vadjust{\blank[line]}% not line, but halfline! \vadjust{\blank[halfline]}% \input knuth
In general, I'm ok without grid snapping, because the default typesetting of taller formulas inside text is good enough for my goals.
But I have many quotations (and floats), whose spaces before and after should be manually tuned not to push the main text out of the grid. And here grid snapping does a very good (and automated) job.
But sometimes grid snapping is too strict, as in the tall formula example. I'm still afraid it's too strict and it will hurt in other places of the text, but now I have a solution, at least for that problem. So thank you again, best regards, Massi