Dear all, as I have seen on the mailing list digest, my original (HTML) mail has been scrambled. Sorry for that. Here the repost: I would like to produce an svg file from a Metapost input file using some of ConTeXt's typesetting features (esp. using System OTF Fonts) using something like: \startbuffer[buffer:dummy] \start \startcolor[white] \framed[align=middle,width=28mm,frame=off] { \SansBodyBold % Font definition done earlier Test to \par rendered \par } \stopcolor \stop \stopbuffer % .... \startuniqueMPgraphic{mp:margin} picture text; text := btex \getbuffer[buffer:dummy] etex; draw text shifted(-11.8mm,-4.8mm ); % Some more fancy drawing her \stopuniqueMPgraphic Can I render that with MetaPost to SVG? Is it possible to render text as paths not as referenced glyphs in MetaPost/ConTexT? Unfortunately I have to stick to SVG as the resulting output format. Converting from PDF to SVG is not an option at the moment due a) performance considerations and b) trouble with generated font names in the resulting ConTeXt PDF file (inkscape as well as pdf2svg produce real strange results). Please let me know, if you need furhter information. Thank you very much in advance. Kind regards, Ralf http://www.pta.de Mit ca. 2.460 Erfahrungsberichten aus 45 Jahren erfolgreicher Projektarbeit! PTA Programmier-Technische Arbeiten GmbH Seckenheimer Str. 65-67, 68165 Mannheim Amtsgericht Mannheim, HRB 1139 USt-IdNr.: DE 143 839 368 Geschaeftsfuehrer: Dipl.-Ing. Peter Fischer Dr. Harald W. Busch Dipl.-Kfm. Knut Fischer