Hello All! Inspired by the recent ConTeXt meeting where I again enjoyed meeting other users as well as the developers, I'm wondering if there are any other ConTeXt users in Finland? And if so, would you be interested in a mini-meeting for an afternoon or evening, possibly at my work in Vantaa? If nothing else, we could tell each other what we do with ConTeXt and get ideas and with luck even be able to sort out some problems. I'm far from the nerdiest person in the world, but I could probably manage a short "introduction to ConTeXt", if you are interested but haven't gotten started or if you know people who'd like to try but don't want to do it by themselves. BTW, if any ConTeXt users (Finnish or others) pass by Helsinki airport or the Greater Helsinki area, you are welcome to informally pop into our office and I'll give you coffee/tea and cookies (if we have any) and any ConTeXt help I can give. Just check on this in advance as I'm not always there, but often can arrange things if notified a few days earlier. Terveisin/Best Regards, Mari Voipio K-Patents Oy (in Vantaanportti, just 5 minutes from the airport)