Hello All, Still having problem with \head in \setupitemize. - When I set the headstyle in \setupitemize, the numbering disappears and the symbol appear (like when I used '1' instead of 'n'). (ex. 1: MNWE) - If I comment the headstyle out, numbers do appear. (ex. 2: MWE). Why is that? Greetings, Rob MWE: <<< \startitemize[n,packed,]%headstyle=bold] \head End notes at end of each part. In the original text and first \CONTEXT\ version this was done without the footnote mechanism. This is now being tranformed to the footnote mechanism, which provides clicable, interactive links to notes. \head Bibliography. The full list of referenced literature (Bibliography) is transformed into the Bib\TEX\ format used by \CONTEXT.\textnote{Notes often refer to Bibliography entries. Currently these references are set as endnote, but the Bib\TEX\ mechanism (cite reference) could be used instead. This would show the Bib\TEX{}-key linked to the Bibliography.} \head Index. All items (often used terms, names of persons) are indexed. \head Emphasis. Where used in the {\sc html} version, {\em emphasis} is set in the \CONTEXT\ version. In addition: titles (of books, etc.) are {\em emphasized}. \head List of contents per part & per chapter. At the beginning of each part a list of chapters and in the beginning of each chapter a list of sections using the standard list mechanism of \CONTEXT\ (clickable, interactive links as used in the master contents, instead of normal text). \stopitemize
MNWE: <<< \startitemize[n,packed,headstyle=bold] \head End notes at end of each part. In the original text and first \CONTEXT\ version this was done without the footnote mechanism. This is now being tranformed to the footnote mechanism, which provides clicable, interactive links to notes. \head Bibliography. The full list of referenced literature (Bibliography) is transformed into the Bib\TEX\ format used by \CONTEXT.\textnote{Notes often refer to Bibliography entries. Currently these references are set as endnote, but the Bib\TEX\ mechanism (cite reference) could be used instead. This would show the Bib\TEX{}-key linked to the Bibliography.} \head Index. All items (often used terms, names of persons) are indexed. \head Emphasis. Where used in the {\sc html} version, {\em emphasis} is set in the \CONTEXT\ version. In addition: titles (of books, etc.) are {\em emphasized}. \head List of contents per part & per chapter. At the beginning of each part a list of chapters and in the beginning of each chapter a list of sections using the standard list mechanism of \CONTEXT\ (clickable, interactive links as used in the master contents, instead of normal text). \stopitemize