Hi to all, I suppose it's a ConTeXt-problem, but I'm not sure. After updating or installing a new MikTeX, no problems occurs with LaTeX or PdfLaTeX. I'm producing all my graphic-files with MetaPost, using a batchfile with the following simple content: texexec --mptex %1 (in the mp-file usually I use \input mp-tool and \input meta-fun) The resulting files, filename.1, filename.2,...,included with the graphicx-usepackage, are ok, processing them with LaTeX. Now follows the file-processing with an other batchfile with MPtoPDF: perl \texmf\scripts\context\perl\mptopdf.pl %1.* (the path in MikTeX-installation changed) The resulting files filename-1.pdf, filename-2.pdf,..., doesn't contain anything, no picture, no fonts, but have a filesize. Looking this files with Acrobat Reader I see an empty frame. Looking for fonts, I get the list with used fonts, but nothing is to see in this nice picture. The log-file doesn't complain. Thanks for gicing me an advice, Peter.