hanneder@staff.uni-marburg.de schrieb am 28.09.2024 um 08:39:
Can you show these definitions, maybe it's something obvious?
May well be, because I still do not understand too many details. Here is the setup of the file:
There is nothing in your setups which would lead to missing references which means the problem lies somewhere in your document itself.
This can removed because UTF-8 is the default input encoding.
\definepapersize[IeT][width=155mm, height=220mm] \setuppapersize[IeT][IeT] \setuplayout[width=fit,height=200mm,header=14pt,marking=on,backspace=13mm,topspace=15mm,headerdistance=4mm,bottomdistance=2pt,location=doublesided,setup=strict]
1. Don't use "width=fit" unless you know what you're doing. 2. The location setting is only used when you use different page and paper sizes. 3. There is only a setups key but no setup and the argument *strict (which a * at the beginning)- \setuplayout [backspace=13mm, width=119.3mm, topspace=15mm, header=14pt, headerdistance=4mm, height=200m, bottomdistance=2pt, setups=*strict]
\setupheader[leftwidth=.8\hsize,rightwidth=.8\hsize,style=\tfx] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided,location={header,right},sectionnumber=no,strut=yes, state=start]
1. There is no sectionnumber setting. 2. The strut and state settings have these values by default. \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided, location={header,right}]
\setupheadertexts[section][pagenumber][pagenumber][chapter] \mainlanguage[en]
Not necessary because english is the default language.
\setupbodyfontenvironment [default][em=italic]
Not necessary for charter because there is only a italic style, you need this only for fonts which have an italic and slanted style at the same time.
\setupalign[hz,hanging,tolerant] \setupinterlinespace[line=2.72ex] \clubpenalty=10000 \widowpenalty=10000
You can remove the \clubpenalty and \widowpenalty settings when you apply the *strict (which sets both penalties) value with \setuplayout in the correct way (see above).
\setuptolerance[{horizontal, tolerant},{vertical, strict}]
Not possible in this way, you have to set the horizontal and vertical value one by one. \setuptolerance[horizontal,tolerant] \setuptolerance[vertical,strict] The horizontal setting can be even left out because you alredy set the value with \setupalign.
\setupwhitespace[medium] \setupindenting[yes,1.36em]
\setupnotation[footnote] [alternative=serried] \setupnote[footnote][way=bypage,paragraph=yes,rule=on] \definenote [variant] [footnote] \setupnotation[variant][number=no] \setupnote[variant][way=bypage,paragraph=yes,rule=off]
\setuphead [title] [style=\tfd\ss, page=yes, placehead=yes, align=right,color=darkgray]
No need for placehead=yes because this is a default value.
\setuphead [chapter] [style=\tfb\bf,page=right,header=none,number=no] \setuphead [section] [style=\tfa,header=none,number=no] \setuphead [subsection] [style=\tf\it,header=none,number=no]
You can leave "header=none" out for section and subsection because none of them start a new page. Wolfgang