I need to write ''''' in a text. However, (...) I really need it to be 5 times U0027, not ””’ (U201C and U2018). (...)
(...) Both also didn't work. (...) Indeed, I am using mkiv... But you should be able to use \char etc. to get the same effect.
pdftex is not working at the moment here -- see my message to the list -- so I can't test this at the moment, but in pdftex there is
\unicodecharacter{number} (...)
Another option is to use utf8 encoding and insert a zero-width space (200B) between the 0027's. (...) should break the dbl-quote (...)
\unicodecharacter wasn't recognized. I do use uft8 encoding, and nothing else (ever). But the problem is not to break the bls-quote, but avoiding ' transformed to ’. Thanks for your help. I'm probably going to try something else, like writing this documentation on a web page. Best, Maurício