On Sun, 06 May 2012 16:37:18 -0600, Aditya Mahajan
If you set \setupbackend [export=yes, xhtml=yes, css={context-export.css}, ] then the exported xhtml file should link to context-export.css file and most modern browsers render the xml correctly (at least opera, firefox, and chrome on Linux render it correctly).
For the attached test file, xml-bib.tex (also reproduced inline below), I get in the output xml-bib-images.css xml-bib-styles.css but no context-export.css, although the resultant xml-bib.xhtml does indeed mention all three css files. Opera will open xml-bib.xhtml without any formatting. Am I still missing something? Thanks again, Aditya! Idris ====================xml-bib.tex==================== \startpublication[k=Fry95, t=book, a=Fry, y=1995, s=] \author[]{Maxwell}[]{}{Fry} \title{ Money, Interest, and Banking in Economic Development} \pubyear{{1995}} \pubname{The Johns Hopkins University Press} \city{Baltimore} \stoppublication \setupbackend [export=yes, xhtml=yes, css={context-export.css}, ] \setuppublicationlist[totalnumber={},samplesize=,author={\invertedauthor}] \def \citeauthoroutpage[#1][#2]{\cite[alternative=authoryears,left={}, right={, #2)},inbetween={ (}][#1]} \starttext According to \citeauthoroutpage[Fry95][p.~38]: \startblockquote \dots a financial system is a collection of institutions that facilitate transactions between financial resources and their users, and provide support for the real sector of the economy to convert primary resources into production for final use. \stopblockquote \input zapf \startsubject[title={References}] {\tfx \setupinterlinespace{\dontleavehmode \placepublications[criterium=all]}} \stopsubject \stoptext =====================================================