Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hi Vit,
Vit Zyka wrote:
Hello Wizards,
my multi page (and multicolumn) table exceeds the last page by 2 rows. Is there a way to make last column a bit longer? Here is a minimal example:
The underlying problem is that you have to enlarge the height of page 2. I don't know how that is 'normally' done, but perhaps it gives someone else a hint ?
It may be done by \adaptlayout[2][height=+1cm] but it does not solve the problem. Natural tables (IFAIK) are splitted at one moment as a whole to one fix (page) height. If I enlarge the page (where \bTABLE) then every column will be longer. We need some option (or command inside table) that say: hey, naturaltable-split-mechanism, start to split to different value. There is some \extratblsplitheight in core-ntb, but I did not cook too deep to understand it. Vit
Cheers, Taco