Hans Hagen wrote:
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hans Hagen wrote:
Vit Zyka wrote:
Dear Metafun Wizards,
I have noticed some strange behaviour with box shading. It works OK until some number of shadings. Please see example: http://typokvitek.com/tmp/shade-many.pdf Any idea for solving? Next not-minimal but small and illustrative example can help.
works ok here; since it concerns independent mp runs, i cannot imagine what goes wrong; mayeb a bad random numer; does your log say something?
My results are the same as Vit's example: The last 9 items are not shaded but have 3 black sides and 1 white one (with \write18 disabled, using a single \jobname-mpgraph.mp)
I don't know what is going, but at least I can reproduce the problem.
it's related to the fact that there can be 1000 specials only (this /1000 in mp-spec)
if you add:
\def\MPrgbnumber#1{\expandafter\doMPrgbnumber#10000.00000\relax} \def\doMPrgbnumber#1.#2#3#4#5#6\relax{#2#3#4#5}
\startMPinclusions _special_div_ := 10000 ; \stopMPinclusions
to the file, and change all 1000's in mp-spec.tex into _special_div_ it works ok; so, the question (for taco is): does mp have the right
Really? Hmmm, not for me. I have got the graphics with flat color per picture; every picture in the sequence has lighter and lighter color (starting from black). (After performing your instructions in the mp-spec.mp and refreshing metafun.mem.) ------------------------------------------ \def\MPrgbnumber#1{\expandafter\doMPrgbnumber#10000.00000\relax} \def\doMPrgbnumber#1.#2#3#4#5#6\relax{#2#3#4#5} \startMPinclusions _special_div_ := 10000 ; \stopMPinclusions \startuseMPgraphic{F} def log(expr Xstart, Xstop)= begingroup save x, y, D, w, P; pair D; path P; w := 2.5pt; w := w/2; D := unitvector(Xstop-Xstart) rotated 90; z1 = Xstart shifted (w*D); z2 = Xstop shifted (w*D); z3 = Xstop shifted (-w*D); z4 = Xstart shifted (-w*D); P := z1--z2{z2-z1}..{z4-z3}z3--z4{z4-z3}..{z2-z1}cycle; P endgroup enddef; path P; x11 = 0; x12 = \overlaywidth; y11 = y12 = \overlayheight; P:= log(z11,z12); linear_shade(P,8,(1,1,1),(0,0,0)); draw P; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[F][\uniqueMPgraphic{F}] \defineframed[F][offset=2mm,strut=yes,background=F,frame=off] \starttext \noindent\dorecurse{1000}{\F{\recurselevel} } \stoptext ------------------------------------------
precission (it looks ok to me, unless we need to start calculating with it)
so, it may be a dangerous patch. I'll adapt spec-mp to this new constant but for the moment keep the 10000 in my cont-loc file
Hans _______________________________________________ ntg-context mailing list ntg-context@ntg.nl http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
-- ======================================================= Ing. Vít Zýka, Ph.D. TYPOkvítek database publishing databazove publikovani data maintaining and typesetting in typographic quality priprava dat a jejich sazba v typograficke kvalite tel.: (+420) 777 198 189 www: http://typokvitek.com =======================================================