Am 20.08.2013 um 11:52 schrieb Marco Patzer
On 2013–08–20 Marco Patzer wrote:
On 2013–08–19 Martin Moncrieffe wrote:
Hopefully, this is the correct list for this question. I'm trying to typeset documents using the font Hoefler on MacOSX (10.8.4) with ConTeXt 2013.05.28 from the TeXlive 2013 distribution. All works, but unfortunately, em dashes are not typeset correctly; there are three dashes instead of a continuous line.
The font (at least my version) does not contain an em dash in slot U+2014.
I checked a different version of the font (1.000) and it works. It seems you're using a version not containing an em dash.
I can reproduce Martins problem but when I write – (Alt + -) and — (Alt + Shift + -) both symbols appear in the output. I checked the font (Hoefler Text.ttc on Mac OS 10.8.4) and it contains a emdash at slot 2014 but its named “emdash.standard”. There is also a character with the name “emdash” in the font at slot F0010.
I get the same result here. However, if I compile with
context --jit myfile.tex
I get Latin Modern instead of Hoefler. From the log file:
fonts > defining > font with asked name 'hoeflertext' is not found using lookup 'name' fonts > defining > unknown font 'hoeflertext', loading aborted fonts > defining > unable to define 'hoeflertext' as 'hoefler-12pt-rm-tf-0--0'
This problem persists. Can someone reproduce this?
Fails here with the following error message: mtx-context | redirect texlua -> luajittex: luajittex --luaonly "/Users/wolf/context/beta/tex/texmf-osx-64/bin/mtxrun" --script context --jit test.tex --redirectedCan't create the Lua state. Wolfgang