On Sat, 03 Apr 2010 10:51:33 +0200
"Hans" == Hans Hagen
Hello Hans, Hans> you must be kidding ... there are some 600 people on this list Hans> whih makes it actually not that small tex list; it's also one of Hans> the active tex lists I just conveyed real message which I got, nothing else, i.e. I did not paint that picture... Here you can e.g. see reply from the main dev which I got 2 years ago when asked about support for ConTexT in docutils (which does LaTeX): http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.docutils.user/4404 Hans> also keep in mind that lates (+amsmath) was declared 'a standard' Hans> soon after tex surfaced ... just wonder why currently there are Hans> only two main macro packages: latex and context .. it sometimes Hans> surprises me that eventually we made it to this stage I offer my deepest respect for your work and tireless enthusiasm. Hans> as taco mentions ... 99% of the latex books are not written by Hans> lamport Nobody expects that you write the book... Hans> anyway ... idris is writing a context book so push him to speed up That's very nice to hear...much better than some other replies in this thread. ;) Hans> there are couple of folks out there (and on the list) who know Hans> the source code pretty well so i would not worry to much about Hans> that OK. We hope there won't be need for the proof in practice. Sincerely, Gour -- Gour | Hlapicina, Croatia | GPG key: F96FF5F6 ----------------------------------------------------------------