Am 29.05.23 um 16:47 schrieb Hans Hagen via ntg-context:
Is this also the right approach to check for the current page within a float placement? Like \startplacefigure[] \dontleavehmode\signalrightpage % necessary? \doifelserightpage{RIGHT}{LEFT} \doifelseoddpage {ODD }{EVEN} \stopplacefigure ?
In my macros from 2015 I’m still using manual right/left page versions, and I’d like to enhance them. I need e.g. different \offset values for \externalfigure depending on right/left page. normally you will use "inner*" and "outer*" placement there as in other cases (which uses the same tricks)
I have one macro to place an page-width image with bleed, it uses \placefigure[top] and then \offset to move the image, so that it starts with bleed on the top side and with/without on the left side depending on a parameter that I change manually if the page breaking changes. The caption must stay within the type area – that works so far. But it shouldn’t be necessary to define left/right manually, and that’s my question: if these \doifs work correctly within a float placement. Hraban