2007/12/10, Zhichu Chen
Hi, Wolfgang
On Dec 11, 2007 12:05 AM, Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: 2007/12/10, Zhichu Chen
: Hi,
Hi Chen,
can't you ue XeTeX or LuaTeX for your document instead of pdfTeX, it will be easier for you because you don't need tfm and map files and you need only the typescripts.
I don't know, but in this case, I don't want to embed fonts, I don't know how LuaTeX can do that but it runs really slow on my ancient PC, especially on the first time when it's generating font cache.
This is funny because the following comment is from font-otf.lua -- han (chinese) (unfinished) -- this info eventually will go into char-def -- list by Zhichu Chen list of left and right delimiters for chinese You should try XeTeX for the moment and not LuaTeX, the first is as fast as pdfTeX while the second is currently not really usable for CJK.
I searched the mail list for a while and I got that if I didn't specify the font file, it will not be embeded and Acrobat Reader will just use its own fonts to show the characters.
I want to make some Chinese documents and I think if I don't embed any fonts, it will be much smaller than it used to be. And there is a cool font AdobeMingStd-Light.otf coming along with Acrobat Reader so I wish I can use it. I converted it to ttf and then tfm files (I don't know whether it is legal) and write the map file like:
pdfTeX can use OpenType fonts and you don't have to convert them into TrueType format.
I convert it to ttf only because I want the tfm files, I can't find there's a tool that can to otf2tfm. And then I deleted the ttf and the otf fonts because I don't want to embed them so I don't need them any more.
A opentype to tfm converter is included in the LCDF Typetools http://www.lcdf.org/type/index.html, I used for a short time in the past but use now the modern backends instead of pdfTeX.
uni-AdobeMingStd-Light-00 "Adobe Ming Std" " Unicode00Encoding ReEncodeFont "
So, any suggestions?
XeTeX or LuaTeX.
Anyway, thank you for paying attention to my stupid and almost useless topic.
Don't say this, font questions are never useless. Wolfgang