Hi all, I am attempting to process html tables that are styled using css, and I have problem with the ‘height’ property. CSS (or rather, the html browser) interprets ‘height’ as if it was a “minheight”, and if the content does not fit, it will just enlarge the height until it does fit. Needless to say: I want that same functionality from the ConTeXt table I am using to generate the PDF and not end up with text crossing row boundaries. And I cannot figure out how to do it, as neither bTABLE’s \bTD nor xtable’s \startxcell interpret a “minheight" parameter. And whatever I put in “height” becomes the absolute value of the cell height. Did I miss something? I cannot imagine that this problem has not come up before… Best wishes, Taco Example code: \starttext \bTABLE[frame=on] \bTR \bTD[height=20pt] \input tufte \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \blank[10*line] \startxtable[frame=on] \startxrow \startxcell[height=20pt] \input tufte \stopxcell \stopxrow \stopxtable \stoptext