Hi All, If I setup the table caption numbering to be 'bychapter' and then turn off the numbering of subsubsections, any table within a subsubsection won't have the chapter number as part of the table number. Example (also attached as tadtest4.tex): ============================================================ \setupcaption[table][way=bychapter] \setuphead[subsubsection][number=no] \starttext \chapter{Chapter Name} \placetable[split]{First Table}% {\bTABLE\bTR\bTD table row \eTD\eTR\eTABLE} \section{Section Name} \placetable[split]{Second Table}% {\bTABLE\bTR\bTD table row \eTD\eTR\eTABLE} \subsection{Subsection Name} \placetable[split]{Third Table}% {\bTABLE\bTR\bTD table row \eTD\eTR\eTABLE} \subsubsection{Subsubsection Name} \placetable[split]{Fourth Table}% {\bTABLE\bTR\bTD table row \eTD\eTR\eTABLE} \stoptext ============================================================ The example above has "Table 4" instead of "Table 1.4". Is this unintentional behavior, or am I doing it wrong? Thanks, Tad