On May 4, 2008, at 10:38 AM, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
I have two questions/problems with the new release:
1. for my linux box, I just grabbed the linux tarball, but the binaries in there still declare they're version 1.003. Is that an oversight, or are those indeed old binaries (and you forgot to pack the new ones? :-)
Answered by Peter and Luigi. I 've fixed the repository versions of texmfmp.c, and will probably update the tarballs tomorrow (I also have to add that mpboxes.pdf)
Thanks, Taco.
2. On OS X 10.5 (intel), compilation aborts with this message:
This is the same problem Hans van der Meer ran into with MPlib a while back. Somehow configure fails to notice that OS X 10.5 has standard C headers just like any other Unix.
If you look at the configure output, it will say somewhere in the middle:
checking for ANSI C header files... no
The build error is a result of that. Hans van der Meer came up with the following answer (but I have *no* idea how to implement):
Eureka! I think I found it (took a lot of experimentation).
Playing with the optimizing options through CFLAGS and setting the architecture to the G4 status of my Mac Powerbook, miraculously Metafont1.002 did compile under MacOSX10.5. Experimentally I then established that the architecture should be specified on the gcc call in order to have the proper ANSI headers found; without these compilation will get stuck.
The options that I think relevant are (both CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS should be set):
1. general architecture specification: CFLAGS -arch ppc (for powerpc) CFLAGS -arch ppc64 (for the new 64bit binaries on powerpc) CFLAGS -arch i386 (for intel) I did not check the ppc64 (not needed) and i386 (not having one) options.
2. more specific architecture specification affecting instruction set and scheduling if one wants to tune the generated code to ones processor: CFLAGS -mcpu=G4 (-mcpu=G5 etc. whichever ones machine has)
It would be most natural, I think, if the -arch switch is added standard through the autoconf scripts. Taco could see to that for metapost and luatex, I trust. Can someone mail this experience to the maintainers of pdftex? (I could not ascertain why pdftex compiles without problems).
Hans van der Meer
Best wishes, Taco
Thanks again. I simply issued export CFLAGS="-arch i386" and could compile without problems. Thanks, and best wishes Thomas