It's a repost, because version 2008.04.10 still fails:
What about the integration of this patch from Wolfgang Schuster into the
- Forwarded message from Wolfgang Schuster
The following test-file produces an error:
% engine=luatex \usemodule[chemic] \starttext \chemical{CO_2} \stoptext
This is tooo long. \usemodule[chemic] is enough to produce the error with mkiv. Replace the following lines in m-chemic \ifx\beginpicture\undefined \let\normalgrid\grid \let\normalaxis\axis \input pictex.tex \relax \let\pictexgrid\grid \let\pictexaxis\axis \let\grid\normalgrid \let\axis\normalaxis \fi with \ifx\beginpicture\undefined \let\beginpicture\relax \fi and the module works. Wolfgang ----- End forwarded message ----- -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/