First of all thanks guys for the p( ) pointer. Hans, re your questions: (1) what fonts (2) what encoding (3) what labels 1. I use the cbgreek fonts. A complete package was submitted to ctan on Dec 2002. Size is ~ 65-70 MB with full support for type1 and tfm that results in nicely looking pdf docs. They are the work of A. Syropoulos, one of the main contributors to greek babel and omega projects. 2. The encoding I use is the iso-8859-7. The iso-8859-7.def file is again written by A. Syropoulos. This works nicely in both my Win2k and Linux environments. A simple Left-Alt/Shift changes keyboard layout and I can use both greek and english in my documents. 3. Re labels I don't know what they are. A brief sample of a test tex doc follows: %-------------------- \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[greek]{babel} \usepackage[iso-8859-7]{inputenc} \begin{document} Κανονικά ελληνικά, \textbf{έντονα ελληνικά}, \textit{πλάγια καλλιγραφικά}, \textsl{απλά πλάγια}. {\LARGE Κανονικά ελληνικά, \textbf{έντονα ελληνικά}, \textit{πλάγια καλλιγραφικά}, \textsl{απλά πλάγια}.} \thispagestyle{empty} \end{document} %-------------------- You should get through dvips a test.ps file with size ~ 158 kb. The corresponding file through pdflatex is ~ 84 kb. If desired, I can post them to the group or mail them to you. The iso-8859-7.def file you can get through ctan. I find I get the best possible results with the least hassle by using the newly released teTeX 2.0. The how-to for my setup is: After installation of tetex-2.0 (see instructions on the tetex src tarball) 1. install iso-8859-7.def -> ../texmf/tex/latex/base/ 2. expand somewhere the cb.tar.gz fonts tarball and from it: a) copy drivers/*.mf -> ../texmf/fonts/source/public/cbgreek/ b) copy dvips/cbgreek.map -> ../texmf/dvips/config/ c) copy mf/*.mf -> ../texmf/fonts/source/public/cbgreek/ d) copy tfm/*.tfm -> ../texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cbgreek/ e) copy type1/*.pfb -> ../texmf/fonts/type1/public/cbgreek/ 3. add the following line to the appropriate place in your texmf/dvips/config/config.ps file p +cbgreek.map 4. add the following line to the appropriate place in your texmf/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg file map +cbgreek.map 5. texhash your system In this way I have full support for modern greek in my LaTeX system. Any other questions you may have feel free to drop them to me. Tasos