On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 18:31:24 +0200 Pablo Rodriguez <oinos@gmx.es> wrote:

On 10/24/2017 07:05 AM, Christoph Reller wrote:
> [...]
> Thank you Pablo for confirming this!
> Does anybody know whether this is a bug or whether it is the wrong way
> to enable font-based kerning for quotations?

Hi Christoph,

from the devel mailing list
(https://mailman.ntg.nl/pipermail/dev-context/2017/003422.html): this is
a bug and it there is a fix for it.

It will be applied in one of the next betas (but you can patch your
ConTeXt distribution yourself).

Thank you Pablo for pointing me to the developer's mailing list. I have not thought about searching through that. So, this is good news for me and I will wait for the fix.

Cheers, Christoph