Hi, I just ran into an issue with the \blockligatures mechanism. For some reason, the following examples replaces ffi with f|fi and ffl with f|fl although I have not specified them in \blockligatures: ============================================== \definefontfeature[default][default][dlig=yes,liga=yes] \definefontfeature[default:block][default][blockligatures=yes] % block certain ligatures globally, but not f|fl, f|fi \blockligatures [ft,fft,fj,ffj,fk] \definefontfamily[times][rm][Times New Roman] \startbuffer[test] fj\\ ffi\\ ffl\\ ff\\ fi \stopbuffer \starttext \getbuffer[test] \definedfont[Serif*default:block] \getbuffer[test] \switchtobodyfont[times] \getbuffer[test] % With Times New Roman, we can even see the bars in the output \definedfont[Serif*default:block] \getbuffer[test] \stoptext ================================== What am I missing? (I am trying to block certain ligatures globally, ie. ft,fft,fj,ffj,fk, but fi, ffi, fl, fll are being dealt with in the language goodies file.) Thanks for your help, Denis