Hi, Curiouslearn wrote:
(0) Do I need bibltx for latex databases?
No. These days, the ConTeXt core defines \newcommand so the bibltx module is obsolete.
(0.5) Using \type{\cite[author,year][BergstromBagnoli2005]} just returns the key in the document
This is caused by the \cite[author,year][] input. If the first argument of \cite[] has a comma, it is taken to be the list of references, and the second set of square brackets is just typeset text. Use \cite[authoryear][] or \cite[authoryears][].
(1) If the Key has a paranthesis, the \cite[Reference] gives empty brackets.
In this example, I do not know what is wrong, but adding an explicit first argument to \cite fixes it. It could be that the optional argument parser in ConTeXt gets confused by the ().
(2) If I use \cite[author][Reference] then I get a line break after the opening paranthesis.
This is a bug in current mkiv that was also mentioned in a thread last week. Should be fixed in this beta or one of the next ones. As a workaround, you can add \usepublications[\jobname] just after the \usemodule[bib] line
(3) Also, note that I refer to only one paper of Daughety and Reinganum in the minimal example below. However, because there are two papers by them in my database, the References section lists the year as (2000a) instead of just (2000). The bbl file generated contains all the references in my database and not only the once I have cited.
Adding \def\maybeyear#1{} works around this. It is one of the few bibtex features that I have not found a good solution for. Otherwise, just remove the \setupbibtex command from the source and edit the bbl file by hand.
Should it not contain only the ones I have cited in the document.
No, it always contains the entire database. That is why manuak editing is possible. Best wishes, Taco