On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 5:36 PM, Alfredo Catalina
Thank you. I check it, and you are right. I forgot to include the definitions when I cut and paste that part of the code. I thought the problem was related to the btex command, but it's not.
The first line is:
u=1.000mm; linecap:=butt; linejoin:=mitered; path pp; picture pic; labeloffset:=0;
I compared it with your code. The "numeric u;" definition is missing in my file. I have included it and now it works!!
It's really weird since I compiled it in 2009 and it worked as is. I still have the pdf output file...??
Finally I have a problem in this line:
externalfigure "aciddrops1.png" xscaled 80.13u yscaled 60.09u shifted (69.85u,20.30u) ;
Then I got:
terminal: >> picture ! Isolated expression. <to be read again> ; <*> ...3u yscaled 60.09u shifted (69.85u,20.30u) ; ; . system > tex > error on line 99 in file kk2.tex: terminal: >> picture
This is ok here (mill.png is in tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample) \starttext Testing \startuseMPgraphic{gh} picture pic; numeric u; u:=1; textX:=87.51u; textY:=96.31u; pic:=thelabel.urt(btex {Test} etex scaled 1.00,(0,0)); draw pic shifted (textX, textY); externalfigure "mill.png" xscaled 80.13u yscaled 60.09u shifted (69.85u,20.30u) ; \stopuseMPgraphic \useMPgraphic{gh} \stoptext -- luigi