Dear Peter and Wolfgang, sorry for taking a bit longer to come back to you and your suggestions here. But I got some strange results and did some further testing and trying on all this. What got me a bit, was/is that your suggestion below works as is, but fails with only slightly more complicated tables. Specifically, in the case where there is more than one row. Furthermore, one can't leave out \starttablehead\stoptablehead \starttabletail\stoptabletail even in the case of just using the "table" environment, instead of "tables". Don't ask me why. In short, Peter, while your solution works as is, I would not recommend it for anything more complicated then the example below, and in that case one is probably better of using the framed solution from Wolfgang. Either that, or using the earlier idea with overlay from Wolfgang
\definelayer [pagehead] [width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight, state=repeat]
\setlayer [pagehead] [hoffset=\backspace, voffset=\topspace] {\setups{pagehead}}
This works just fine. THANKS A LOT for this. :-D I had been playing around with overlays at the very beginning of my ConTeXt tries and had soon come to the conclusion to do some more basic stuff first and ... somehow never got back around to it up till now. However, it is the way to go here, as it does indeed separate - somehow - the inner workings of the table structures enough so that ConTeXt is no longer getting confused about them anymore. In short, this works as advertised. Cheers Carsten P.S.: Still would be nice to have this issue fixed. P.S.S.: It does not help with the second bug within the "tables" environment, i.e. the starting \HL line in the "tabletail" introducing an extra and unwanted! gap in the table. Ugly workaround for me at the moment is drawing a not completely line by using \framed[width=broad,topframe=on]{} above the text. While slightly better than either no line or a line with said gap, it is not exactly what I had in mind here, either... Am 21.01.2008 um 12:45 schrieb Peter Rolf:
Peter Rolf schrieb:
Hi Carsten, I'm not quite sure if this is a help (was just playing around with it while watching snooker). I had to clear|redefine the table head|tail in the page head (or is this intended?). There are still some unwanted vertical offsets above|below the page head. If you use a hbox instead of a vbox for the page head you will see the difference on the last page. So this space is introduced by the splitted table somehow. Don't ask me for details ;) Best wishes, Peter
oeps... some details were missing :D \setupcolors[state=start]
\setuppagenumbering[location=] \setupheadertexts[{\setups[pagehead]}] [] [{\setups[pagehead]}] []
\startsetups[pagehead] \vbox\bgroup \starttablehead\stoptablehead \starttabletail\stoptabletail \setuptables[rulecolor=blue]% \SetTableToWidth\makeupwidth \starttable[|p(40mm)|p(60mm)|p(40mm)|] % \TABLEnoalign{\vskip-1.75pt} % ugly \HL \VL \leftaligned{left} \VL \midaligned{middle} \VL \rightaligned{right} \VL\SR \HL \stoptable \egroup \stopsetups
\showframe \showskips
\SetTableToWidth\makeupwidth \setuptables[split=repeat]
\starttablehead \HL \VL Head \VL\SR \HL \stoptablehead
\starttabletail \HL % This results in an additional bug, % i.e. an extra / unwanted gap \VL Foot \VL\SR \HL \stoptabletail
\starttables[|p(.95\textwidth)|] \VL \input knuth \VL\FR %\dorecurse{1}{\VL \input tufte \VL\MR} \dorecurse{10}{\VL \input tufte \VL\MR} \VL \input knuth \VL\LR % \HL % putting \HL here does not introduce % that unwanted gap ...?!? \stoptables