i'm no sure what you mean here
Hans As a sample is better than words, the following code contains the
Hi Hans, problems induced by the use of \useencoding[ffr]. The first part is only here to ensure the correct horizontal spacing. The second part raises the problem related to the use of ":" within ref. The last part is dedicated to the well identified MP-related problem. \useencoding[ffr] \mainlanguage[fr] \starttext text:\blank text;\blank text?\blank text!\blank A sample table is given: \in{tableau}[tab:mytab]. \placetable[here][tab:mytab]{Test}{ \bTABLE \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \eTABLE } \stopmode \startuseMPgraphic{test} numeric u; u:=1cm; draw origin--(10u,10u); \stopuseMPgraphic \useMPgraphic{test} \stoptext Renaud