Am 30.06.2012 um 00:49 schrieb Gilbert Houtekamer:
I am would like to make \startitemize list with \head that has no bullets, e.g.
My text for topic
Another Topic
Text for another topic.
With \startitemize and \head I get bullets before "Topic" and "Another Topic", how can get rid of these?
When you the head and the itemize entries are on the same level you can’t change/remove it because head uses the normal item symbol but when you move the entries at a deeper level you can use the empty symbol “none” for the top level and use the “bullet” symbol for the sub level. \starttext \startitemize \starthead {Topic} \startitem My text for topic \stopitem \stophead \starthead {Another Topic} \startitem Text for another topic. \stopitem \stophead \stopitemize \startitemize[none][width=0pt] \starthead {Topic} \startitemize[bullet] \startitem My text for topic \stopitem \stopitemize \stophead \starthead {Another Topic} \startitemize[bullet] \startitem Text for another topic. \stopitem \stopitemize \stophead \stopitemize \stoptext Wolfgang