Hans and all other font wizards— Thomas and I have been stumped by problem that arises when one re- installs Latin Modern (in order to get margin kerning) and uses the t- greek module. Thomas suspects that Latin Modern, being a "clone" of Computer Modern, comes in different design sizes and uses slightly different fonts for different sizes. This setup breaks when the t- greek module expects to have a completely scalable font. But this is only a guess, as he says. The problem may be described as follows: A. If I do not re-install Latin Modern (and thus forego margin kerning and so forth), there is no problem: I can vary the typesize of the footnotes and insert Greek at will. I use the following code for this: \setupencoding[default=ec] \setupbodyfontenvironment[default][em=italic] \definebodyfont[10.5pt][rm][default] \setupbodyfont[modern,10.5pt] \setupfootnotes[conversion=numbers, way=bytext,location=page,rule=on,bodyfont=9.5pt,style=normal] \usemodule[t-greek] \setupfontsynonym[Alkaios][handling=grkpure] \setupfontsynonym[GreekOxoniensis][handling=grkpure] \setupgreek[font=Alkaios,altfont=GreekOxoniensis,scale=0.9] B. If I do reinstall the Latin Modern, I get “Arithmetic overflow errors” when there is Greek in the footnotes. My code for this is: \setupencoding[default=texnansi] \starttypescript[serif][default][size] \definebodyfont[10.5pt][rm][default] %<<< \definebodyfont[10.5pt][mm][default] \stoptypescript \setupfontsynonym[Serif][handling=normal] \usetypescript[modern][texnansi] \setupbodyfont[modern,10.5pt] \setupfootnotes[conversion=numbers, way=bytext,location=page,rule=on,bodyfont=9.5pt,style=normal] \usemodule[t-greek] \setupfontsynonym[GreekOxoniensis][handling=greekpure] \setupfontsynonym[GreekDioxipe][handling=greekpure] \setupgreek[font=GreekOxoniensis,scale=1.15] \setupgreek[altfont=GreekDioxipe,scale=1.15] But remove the Greek from the notes and all is well. Note that inserting \definebodyfont[10.5pt,9.5pt][rm][default] at the line <<< (above) fails with the same error message even when there is no Greek in the footnotes. If you have any suggestions on this, we would be grateful to receive them. All best, Alan