On Fri, 11 Nov 2011, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
quite often I wish we could have a kind of in line comment: Something like ¿this is my comment¡ this.
I assume it is not trivial due to catcode issues, to say the least. But nevertheless, as it is getting close to christmas, I just wanted to mention this idea here.
As long as there is no line break in the comment, the following lua based solution works (inspired by m-translate) \startluacode local comments = {} thirddata = thirddata or {} thirddata.comments = comments function comments.translate(s) return string.gsub(s, "¿.-¡","") end local textlineactions = resolvers.openers.helpers.textlineactions utilities.sequencers.appendaction(textlineactions,"after","thirddata.comments.translate") function comments.enable() utilities.sequencers.enableaction(textlineactions,"thirddata.comments.translate") end function comments.disable() utilities.sequencers.disableaction(textlineactions,"thirddata.comments.translate") end comments.disable() \stopluacode \def\enablecomments {\ctxlua{thirddata.comments.enable()}} \def\disablecomments{\ctxlua{thirddata.comments.disable()}} \appendtoks \enablecomments \to \everystarttext \starttext \section{An ¿in \iffalse comment¡ works} Multiple ¿in \iffalse comment¡ with something ¿in \iffalse comment¡ in betweeen \stoptext Aditya