Try this one: -> page 14
Thanks, but that looks like it's just some extracts from cont-eni translated from Engijsh into Engrish along with a distracting background that makes it hard to read. The stuff about the not very useful abbreviation command is there again, but I'm drawn to the section about building a dictionary that says it's not about building a dictionary. It says: "All you have to do is inserting a \index at whatever the phrase you want to index is, and placeing a \placeindex where you want the glossary to be." and then goes on to describe and index, not a glossary, which seems to require commands that need a lot of redundant arguments. It also contains this gem: "Like many other ConTeXt command, users can define their own series of indexing, which pluses the default \index series are called register." That's the most remarkable thing I've read today. Maybe I need to be more clear. A glossary is like a little dictionary in the back of a book that defines the specialized words and phrases that the book uses that might not be known to the general reader. Here is a definition of "glossary": A collection of glosses; a list with explanations of abstruse, antiquated, dialectal, or technical terms; a partial dictionary. ("Glosses" were little explanatory notes written in the margins of medieval texts---the kind of thing I would do if Context's marginal notes weren't incompatible with its columns.) Ideally, I'd like a system where I could keep the entries in a bib database or in a special .tex file. The records would include the headword and the gloss, and maybe a cross reference to the point in the text that dealt with the headword definitively---the point where the term was explained. (A document that defines and explains the new words and phrases it coins---imagine such a thing!) It would be nice if there were a command that would automatically link this point in the text with the glossary entry. LaTeX has several packages (glosstex, gloss, glossary, glossaries) that do things like this. To do this in Context, I will probably have to do it all manually, defining a command to set an entry and then doing all the alphabetization and cross-referencing by hand. What I would really, really, like is to add short definitions to each glossary record that could pop up as tooltips when the reader hovers over an unfamiliar word. Since there is no mechanism for glossaries in Context, there is no mechanism to build this into, but I'm still interested in doing it. The idea is, I could write something like: \gloss{strange word}{short definition} The text would read "strange word". When you hover over it with the cursor, a tooltip would appear saying "short definition". It would be great if this were linked to a glossary mechanism so I wouldn't have to keep writing the short definition---I could say something like: \gloss{strange word} and its short definition would be looked up automatically for the tooltip. The automatic reference to the word might look like this, in the text: \gref{strange word} which would cause the page number at that point to be printed at the end of the glossary entry for "strange word".