Am 03.03.2015 um 08:25 schrieb Jörg Weger
: In the minimal working example below inside of a text two words should be printed inside of rounded TikZ rectangles and should be connected by an TikZ arrow pointing from the first word to the other.
TikZ offers the remember picture/overlay option for that.
The MWE works in MkII (command “texexec”) which I am not using, but not in the latest MkIV (command “context”).
The problem might be that according to the PGF/TikZ manual “You need to use a driver that supports picture remembering and you need to run TEX twice” (16.13.1 Referencing a Node in a Different Picture).
So my questions are:
1.) Does LuaTeX support TikZ picture remembering?
2.) If so, how can I get ConTeXt MkIV to “run TeX twice”?
It depends, when you have a command which writes something into contexts own auxiliary file context will make another run but when you have a module like tikz which uses its own auxiliary file just make another run with „context <filename>”.
3.) If all of the above worked, would that work also if the inline TikZ pictures to be remembered are on another file referenced via \input?
The problem here is the content of tikz auxiliary file, when I process your document with MkII it contains \pgfsyspdfmark {pgfid1}{5006382}{46179011} \pgfsyspdfmark {pgfid2}{10902017}{46179011} \pgfsyspdfmark {pgfid3}{4661756}{45230922} but with MkIV i get the following result: \gdef \pgf@sys@pdf@mark@pos@pgfid1 {\pgf@x =0sp\pgf@y =0sp} \gdef \pgf@sys@pdf@mark@pos@pgfid2 {\pgf@x =0sp\pgf@y =0sp} \gdef \pgf@sys@pdf@mark@pos@pgfid3 {\pgf@x =0sp\pgf@y =0sp} There is something wrong with the way tikz saves the coordinates of the nodes in MkIV. Wolfgang