2008/9/29 Peter Münster
On Thu, Sep 25 2008, Olivier Guéry wrote:
* There should't be space between two sign. Test 2
Hello Olivier,
IMHO, "frenchpunctuation" should just care about the additional spaces before some punctuation signs, that are the French typographic mainstream. Neither more, nor less. Two or three signs like "!!!" are anyway rare exceptions and perhaps grammatically even not allowed. For such exceptions one can use for example "\string!", if no space is wanted.
They are not allowed for « strict » french. But if you type a conversation, you can have them. Think about the usage Celine made of the punctuation. So the rules is not : there's a space before « ! ». But there's a space befor « ! » if the signe before is not punctuation. But i understand your point of view. In fact such a rule is so unknow and rare that I thinked it's better to « hard-coded » it.
I would like to see the rules as simple as this: - before ":", ";", "?", "!" and "»" add some tiny nobreakspace (for example half an inter-word space and stretchable)
The rule is a bit more complicated for the « : ». My hope was the fact that if TeX is able to have strict rules, let use them !
- if the author has already added a space (or nbsp) character before such sign, gobble it and use the tiny nbsp - same thing after "«"
Yes you're probably right. But it's hard to determine what is juste taste or what is rules.
* The space before the footnote sign is too big (it's clearer with othe fonts). Test 4
For me, no special treatment should be triggered with "frenchpunctuation" or \language[fr]. Footnote signs are just a matter of taste and style.
I don't know rules in other languages but in french the footnote sign is before ponctuation, so having big space before/after is not clean. If i find the setting for doing this, i'll use it :D. And probably other french people too. But a page on the wiki is maybe enough.
\mainlanguage [fr] \language[fr] \setcharacterspacing [frenchpunctuation]
Perhaps, it would make sense, to make one test file for \mainlanguage[fr] and another another one for \setcharacterspacing[frenchpunctuation] ?
Ok, result is join. Not shure it's the good syntax (and test n°4 failed to compile, but it can be my instalation).
1 The « ; » signs shouldn't be at the beginning of a line, there must be space before all sign (look at the rules here : http://wiki.contextgarden.net/frenchpunctuation) :\crlf
To test, that the space is not breakable, one can use: \start \hsize1pt bla: bla : bla : bla~: bla? bla ? bla ? bla~? bla! bla ! bla ! bla~! bla; bla ; bla ; bla~; «bla» « bla » « bla » «~bla~»\par \stop Thanks a lot.
Cheers, Olivier. -- [Message tapé sur un clavier Bépo : http://www.clavier-dvorak.org ] http://nemolivier.blogspot.com