Monday, January 17, 2005 Alan Bowen wrote:
I am having trouble getting Greek in footnote environment. The Greek appears as it should in the text body, but in a footnote all I get is the input. In short, ConTeXt \footnote seems to ignore the \localgreek command. I attach a brief test file that should produce the problem as well as the input file defining the Greek font in the first place.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
By the way, there is no message in the log file to the effect that the Greek font is unavailable at a given font size. And I am using ConTeXt ver: 2004.10.26 fmt: 2005.1.3.
Alan ___________________________ \enableregime[mac] \input Oxonia \usetypescript [all] [latin-modern] [texnansi] \setupbodyfont[reset] \setupbodyfont[cmr, 10.5pt]
The cat is on the mat. The cat is on the mat. \localgreek{a>utopt'ew} is not a compound of \localgreek{a>ut'oc} and \localgreek{>opte'uw}. The cat is on the mat. % \footnote{The etymology proposed on p.\ 136 is mistaken: \localgreek{a>utopt'ew} is not a compound of \localgreek{a>ut'oc} and \localgreek{>opte'uw}.}\ % % The cat is on the mat.
\stoptext __________________________________________ % Oxonia.tex
\definebodyfont[10pt,10.5pt,11pt,12pt,14pt][rm][Gf=greeoxon sa 1.08]
\def\enablegreek{\language[greek]\catcode`~=\other\catcode`|=\other\catc ode`'=\other}
enablegreek relies on catcode changes, so it cannot work inside commands. It should be redefined to make use of e-TeX's \scantoken feature so that it can re-parse its input. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta