(This mail was rejected as spam in my first try, and the reject message was catched by my spam filter...) A happy new year! I'd like to typeset a text in both German and Swiss German orthography, i.e. I'd like to expand "s (or the like) to ß in German and ss in Swiss German mode, or even better, automagically change ß to ss in Swiss mode. This is what I have: \startmode[swiss] \def\S#1{ss\relax} \stopmode \startnotmode[swiss] \def\S#1{\sz\relax} \stopnotmode That forces me to use \S{} in the middle of words, very ugly. I know this is possible in a more sophisticated way! Please? (My favorite solution would be to make ß expand to ss in Swiss mode.) Grüßlis vom Hraban! --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/ http://contextgarden.net http://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)