Am 25.09.2011 um 11:03 schrieb Pontus Lurcock:
I've recently updated my standalone (32-bit Linux) ConTeXT from 2011.02.25 to 2011.09.20, and I'm now having some trouble with float placement. I'm using MkIV. I'm trying to have figures protruding into the outer margins with a double-sided layout, as described here:
Here is my minimal example:
\setuplayout[location=doublesided] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided,location={margin,header}] \setupfloat[figure][location=inner] \showframe \starttext % An extra page. \page[yes] \dorecurse{4}{ \placefigure[]{caption}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=17cm]}} \stoptext
With version 2011.02.25 this produces the desired result; with 2011.09.20, the first figure is placed correctly, and all subsequent figures protrude in the same direction, whether they're on an even or odd page. So in the given example they all protrude to the right. If an extra page is inserted at the start so that the first figure is on an even page, they all protrude to the left.
Does anyone have any ideas or insights?
Should be fixed in the next beta. Wolfgang