Am 25.11.2011 um 09:18 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 24-11-2011 21:18, Pontus Lurcock wrote:
On Thu 24 Nov 2011, Romain Diss wrote:
- again in french, the liter symbol is lowercase l (althought the uppercase L is also temporarly accepted).
Not only in French, but in most of Europe, I think: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litre#Symbol . Should probably be explicitly configurable.
there is already some basic mechanism fro that
\startluacode languages.data.labels.units.foo = { Liter = "l" } languages.data.labels.units.bar = { Liter = "L" } \stopluacode
\defineunits[lunit] \lunit{10 l/s}\par \defineunits[funit][label=foo] \funit{10 l/s}\par \defineunits[bunit][label=bar] \bunit{10 l/s}\par
Maybe better: \definelabelclass[unit] … \setupunittext[liter=l] Wolfgang