your hint seemed to suggest that it was in details.pdf. It turned out to be in the Metafun manual. I finally used
sorry, I just wanted to show the use of scaled and comment like "see the details" (because of the enlargement), but I thought it would be fun to misuse a well known document title. Well, it was fun, but misleading. [...]
that setup-en.pdf is not up to date with these commands the various texshow and other web tools that people have developed are missing them as well. I imagine a single source of all the commands would help these developers enormously.
setup-en.pdf, texshow, etexshow and texshow-web are using the same source of information. Don't know about Martin's visual creators. We are all(?) thankful for examples and comments in texshow-web. I am currently implementing a fulltext search. Patrick -- You are your own rainbow!