I am trying to make a set of macros for a paper feedback form. The first part is: \setuplayout [backspace=20mm,footer=5mm,header=5mm,height=middle,margin=1cm,topspace=0mm,width=middle] \setupindenting[yes,none] \enableregime[utf-8] \mainlanguage[nl] \setupbodyfont[roman, 12pt] \setuppagenumbering[state=stop] \setupoutput[pdf] \def\CheckBoxes[#1,#2]% {\blank #1\par \processcommalist[#2]\doCheckBoxes \blank \crlf } \def\doCheckBoxes#1% {\hskip2.5em[\hskip1em] #1\par } \def\GetComment[#1]{ \blank #1\par \thinrules[n=4] \blank \crlf } \def\Title[#1]{ \par \startalignment[center] {\switchtobodyfont[18pt]\bf\em#1} \stopalignment \blank } But I would like to have also a macro for the following: {\bf Contact gegevens:} \setupfillinrules[width=3cm] \fillinrules{Bedrijf:} \fillinrules{Naam:} \fillinrules{Adres:} \fillinrules{PC Woonplaats:} \fillinrules{E-mail} \fillinrules{Telefoon:} \fillinrules{GSM:} \blank \crlf The biggest problem is that the width is dependent on the longest text that is given here. In this case PC Woonplaats. Is there a smart way to calculate the right value? Another problem is that the distance between lines with fillinrules is about twice as big as with normal lines. How can I get the distance the same as with normal lines? -- Cecil Westerhof M CLDWesterhof@gmail.com O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send OpenDocument instead! http://fsf.org/campaigns/opendocument/